Top 3 Problems With a Gun Safe

Top 3 Problems With a Gun Safe

What is the number one thing nearly all of us do before we drop the cash on something big? We research the potential problems. Because let’s face it: no matter how good a product is, nothing is 100% perfect, 100% of the time; even with gun safes.

We’ve been selling the best gun safes in America for over 30 years. During that time, our customer service department has gotten a LOT of calls from customers who need help. So, what are the most common problems with a gun safe? In this video, we break down the top 3 things we hear from customers about their safe purchase.

Gun Safe Problem #1

Forgetting your combination is the number one reason people call in to our customer service department. When you buy a safe, make sure the company you’re buying from can help you with this. Obviously, they shouldn’t make it too easy to retrieve a combo. But with the right safeguards and proof of ownership, the safe company should (in most cases) be able to help you retrieve your combination.

Gun Safe Problem #2

Your big, strong safe won’t do you much good if you can’t open it because your lock failed. Before you buy a safe, make sure the lock it comes with is U.L.-listed and from a reputable company. SecuRam, Sergeant & Greenleaf, LaGard, and Prologic all make great locks. And be careful about locks with backup keys—these are notorious for being easy to pick open.

When you’re considering a gun safe company, you should also see what kind of lock warranty they offer. Most only offer a one-year warranty on locks, but some offer as much as five years. Some safe manufacturers will let you purchase an extended or lifetime warranty on your safe lock. Since locks are the number one fail point on a safe, this is something you should definitely consider.

Gun Safe Problem #3

And number 3 on our list of top problems with safes? Wishing you would have bought a bigger one. Now wait — we know this sounds like an annoying sales pitch. We almost didn’t include it in this video for that very reason. But it truly is one of the most common complaints we’ve heard over the years. If you check the reviews on you’ll read it over and over again: love my safe, but now I need another one because I’m out of room.

In fact, this exact thing happened to our CEO, Steve Allred. When Steve first brought home his Liberty safe, his wife thought he was crazy; as in: “who would ever need such a huge metal box in their home?” But soon after, she started keeping her valuables in it, and soon after that, she took it over completely, which resulted in Steve needing to get another safe for his collection.

Moral of the story: take inventory of everything you might want to store before you decide what size to buy. And remember that safes are a lifetime purchase; think as long-term as possible, because it’s likely you’ll be adding to your current collection.



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